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is a small private Czech company established in Jindřichův Hradec.

The company was founded in 1989 in the traditional glassfield of South Bohemia, focused on the production:

  1. Decorated Glass: sodapotassic with paintings, gold, high enamel and relief, mostly in colors: pure, blue, red, green. Decorative leaded glass, 24% PbO in combination grinding frame, gold and high enamel. For promotional purposes (advertising, logos, etc.) uses techniques: printing, etching or sandblasting.
  2. Welding goggles SB-1 SB-2 and OB-3 to protect the welder's eyes from mechanical and physical effects resulting from welding.
  3. Wholesale: Glass, porcelain and ceramics.

DRUŽSVO Vajgar exported its products to most countries in the EU and some countries outside the EU.